2024 (7)

The Not-So-Strange Case of Cargo Cult in Computer Science Research
Some Things to Remember Before Acting Pretentiously
The Last Paper's Myth
On the Rise, Decline, and Persistence of Web Technologies
The Most Relevant Technical Skill in My Career
AI Doesn't Make Me the Same Coffee
Building and Leveling Up a Computer Scientist Résumé

 2023 (11)

Revisiting Ken Thompson’s Reflection on Trusting Trust
How I Peer Review Research Papers
My Ultimate Terminal Customizations for Windows
Surviving the AI Revolution as a Software Engineer
A Prime on Public Key Infrastructure
My PhD as a Comic
How to Give a Great Technical Presentation
Prompting is All We Need
Let's Face It: Paper Figures Are Always Subject to Change
Securing a Permanent Job in Sweden Before Completing My PhD
Data Serialization/Deserialization in Java With Apache Avro

 2022 (15)

How to Write a Good Cover Letter for a Research Paper
The True Value of Attending Academic Conferences
The Execution Lifecycle of a Java Application
On the Parkinson's Law of Triviality for Computer Science Researchers
Why Debloating Third-Party Software?
My Ultimate Terminal Customizations for macOS
No One Cares About Your Research!
The Dynamic Features of Java
Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection in Java
AOT vs. JIT Compilation in Java
How to Write a Good Revision Letter For an Academic Paper
Staying in Academia: How PhD Profiles are Evaluated?
Bus Factor: A Human-Centered Risk Metric in the Software Supply Chain
How to Write a Good Paper Rebuttal
How to Track the Progress of a Research Project

 2021 (16)

Encoding, Encryption, Hashing, and Obfuscation in Java
SIGBOVIK: The Ig Nobel for Academics and Computer Science Researchers
How to Set Up A Blockchain Network With Hyperledger Besu
How I Overcome Writer's Block When Preparing a Research Paper
Seven Reasons to Go For a PhD In Computer Science
The Software Supply Chain
Design For Microservices!
Configuring Remote Connections in Unix-Based Systems Using SSH
What Does It Take to Become a Software Architect?
Hermit Programmers are Dead
Replace the Disqus Commenting System on Your Blog
Book Review: The PhD Grind
The Fork/Join Java framework
Use Custom LaTeX Macros to Boost Your Writing Productivity
Enhance Your Readme With Asciinema
Clean Commit Messages

 2020 (9)

Dynamic Programming by Example
Shortening the Distance Between Academia and Industry
Empirical Software Engineering Research Is Harder Than You Think
How to Deploy a Simple Spring Boot Application in GCP
The Producer-Consumer Pattern in Java Made Easy
Diversity-Driven Software Debloat
Unix Cmd Hacks
Recipes for Effective Academic Emailing
Deploying to Maven Central

 2019 (3)

The Cuban Revolution
The Zip Slip Vulnerability Exploitation
The Practice of Teaching

 2018 (1)

Unnecessary Code

 2017 (3)

A Starting Guide to Programming Contests
Git Fundamentals
How I Beat the IELTS Academic With Just a Month of Self-Training