
I’m a public speaker. I present my stuff in academic and industrial conferences, workshops, and events.1 The following is a non-exhaustive list of my talks (in reverse chronological order).


  • The AI Secret: Why Predictive Machine Learning Still Rules The Real World. Presented at SEB Tech Day in Arenastaden Stockholm, October 2024. Video
  • Dancing on Thin Ice - Leveraging Software Bill of Materials in Java. Presented at Jfokus, Stockholm, February 2024. Video Slides
  • Hand-In-Hand Live Coding Session With Github Copilot. Presented at SEB’s main theater in Solna, Stockholm, April 2024. :earth_americas: Post Slides
  • Enhancing Semantic Search With RAG. Presented at SEB, Stockholm, March 2024. Slides



  • Coverage-Based Debloating for Java Bytecode. Presented at ESEC/FSE, Singapore, November 2022. Video
  • Automatic Software Debloating. 80% PhD Seminar. Presented at KTH, November 2022. Slides
  • The Multibillion Dollar Software Supply Chain of Ethereum. Presented at 1st Workshop on the Software Supply Chain, KTH, Sweden, October 2022. Slides
  • Automatic Software Debloating. Poster presented during EECS Summer Event, KTH, Sweden, June 2022. Poster
  • Java is Going to the Moon: Native Images with GraalVM. Presented at KTH, May 2022. Slides
  • A Prime on Software Debloating. Presented at KTH, March 2022. Slides
  • The Software Supply Chain of Enterprise Java Ethereum Nodes. Presented at KTH, January 2022. Slides


  • DepClean: Automatically Revealing Bloated Software Dependencies in Maven Projects. Presented at FOSDEM, February 2021. Video
  • The Software Production Landscape. Presented at KTH, September 2021. Slides
  • A Longitudinal Analysis of Bloated Java Dependencies. Presented at ESEC/FSE, August 2021. Video
  • Automated Software Debloat. 50% PhD Seminar. Presented at KTH, April 2021. Slides


  • An Introduction to Bloat History Analysis. Presented at 20th ASSERT Software Engineering Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, November 2020. Slides
  • Are Developers Willing to Remove Bloated Dependencies? Presented at 13th ASSERT Software Engineering Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, January 2020. :earth_americas: Slides


  • Presentation for FDT3303. Paper reading presented at KTH, Stockholm, December 2019. Slides
  • Do the Dependency Conflicts in My Project Matter? Presented at 11th ASSERT Software Engineering Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, November 2019. Slides
  • Taming Bloated Software Dependencies. Presented at SL Headquarter, Stockholm, November 2019. Slides
  • WASP Presentation. Presented at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, October 2019. Slides
  • Studying Bloated Dependencies in the Maven Ecosystem. Poster presented during CASTOR Software Days, KTH, Sweden, October 2019. Slides
  • The Emergence of Software Diversity in Maven Central. Presented at 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), Montreal, Canada, May 2019. :earth_americas: Slides


  • Bloatware Mitigation and Analysis. Presented at 5th ASSERT Software Engineering Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, November 2018. Slides
  • Mining Software Dependencies at Large Scale: A Preliminary Study on the Maven Central Repository. Presented at 4th ASSERT Software Engineering Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2018. Slides


  1. If you are interested in placing me at your event, please :email: email me. It’s free. You will just have to pay for economy-class airfare and a room in a decent hotel.